Vi har fået afbud fra Frank Kane - hans racer bliver dømt af Rob Douma
Dear Secretary, committee members and exhibitors.Danish Terrier Club.
I am very sorry that I will not be able to attend your show in November, a show that I would have enjoyed very much.
Owing to my own error in my bookings diary I had overlooked a booking which was already in my diary and I was not free to accept the appointment at the Danish Terrier Club.
I am aware of all the work that goes into planning a show, often years ahead, and am sorry to have caused the committee extra work through my mistake.I hate to disappoint people or let them down, and I apologise also to those exhibitors who have entered the show for my opinion.
I am sure the show will be a big success with the excellent organisation which is the hallmark of Danish shows
With my sincere apology and best regards
Frank Kane